Online Event: How to scale up personal budgets regionally

On Wednesday 15 February 2023 the UNIC project will host an online event on How to scale up personal budgets regionally.

The UNIC project is designed to develop tools to help service users, service providers, and public authorities to implement a user-centred funding model in long-term care and support. More specifically, the partners are exploring how the Personal Budgets Model can help persons who receive long term care and support to actively participate in organizing their own support.

Join us online on February 15 at 11:00am to hear about the transition from a traditional funding to a personal budgets model in the region of Flanders, and an initiative from Finland on how personal budgets can support in organizing services (TBC). Additionally, we will present an initiative from Scotland showcasing how working in co-production can further build the capacity of such models and develop a sustainable system. At the end of the event, we will also present the Compliance Assurance Tool, developed through the UNIC project, which aims to support the staff of Public Authorities to design, develop and monitor a personal budget system in their region or country.

Please register here: If you have any question or request, please do not hesitate to contact us.

11:00 – 11:05              Introduction

11:05 – 11:20              Transition from traditional funding to personal budgets in Flanders – SamVan Bastelaere, VAPH

11:20 – 11:35              Personal Budget as a way to organise services – Region of Etelä-Savon Hyvinvointialue, Finland

11:35 – 11:50              Building the capacity of Self-directed support, Pauline Lunn, In Control Scotland,UK

11:50 – 12:05              Compliance Assurance Tool – Simon Duffy, Citizen Network,UK 12:05 – 12:25   Discussion

12:25 – 12:30              Closing remarks

How to scale up personal budgets regionally_Agenda