3rd Transferability Meeting in Salzburg

For the third Transferability project meeting of our UNIC project on 1-3 February 2023, Salzburg was hosting this session. A beautiful city where the old and traditional are sensitively combined with the modern. The programme was challenging from the very beginning! We started with WP1 Management & Coordination, we dealt with overview, workplan and timeline. This was followed by Monitoring & Evaluation and also WP3 Toolbox & Piloting, where we had Introduction and also presentation of final toolbox edits. On the second day we started with the WP4 Transferability Workshops topic, where we addressed questions related to overview and general objectives through the presentation of workshops in each country. These told us which goals were achieved or challenges encountered. From WP4 we went on to Action Plans, again discussing overview and general objectives, followed by presentation of progress and also Transferability Study; outline and next steps. The afternoon was followed by WP5 where we discussed dissemination review issues and activities. On the second day, we started with the WP4 Transferability Workshops and addressed the overview and general objectives through the presentation of workshops in each country. These told us which goals were achieved or challenges encountered. From WP4 we went on to WP4 Action Plans, again discussing overview and general objectives, followed by presentation of progress and also Transferability Study; outline and next steps. The afternoon was followed by WP5 where we discussed dissemination review issues and activities. Some of the important moments included National Conferences: brainstorming activities and format and especially the upcoming major Final European Conference (planned for September 2023). Finally, we again made several videos summarizing the progress of the partners in terms of personal budgets, workshops, and piloting the project. We came back from the meeting stronger and with a good feeling of the work done. We hope that the outputs and the time worked will find meaning as a sustainable basis for the development of personal budgets across Europe.